Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas Day Coyote

The above photo (header photo) was taken Christmas Day in our back field.  We've always gone for long walks back into the bush during the day with 2 dogs for protection but no gun.  Maybe we'll have to rethink that.  I have noticed that if I go for a walk when the sun's going down, my 2 dogs refuse to go any further than 100 yards or so past the barn, leaving me to decide whether I want to go further on my own or not.  It isn't so bad during the summer but this time of year, they just refuse to go any further.  I figure that animals are smarter than we are in such matters so I'll take a cue from their fear and not go any farther, either. 

I just found out that a bear has taken up residence 2 roads away.  Actually, there must be 2 bears since there's now a cub.  The dead-end road that she lives near has been a great place for a few hikers and local joggers because of its seclusion.  My 2 daughters biked up there when we first moved here but they won't be this summer!  A lady who lives right near that road used to jog there until she found herself on the path, trapped between the mother and cub.  I think she jogs somewhere else now!

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